Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the external carotid artery
Abdel Ilah Drissi Maniani, Najwa Ech-Chrif El Kettani
Corresponding author: Abdel Ilah Drissi Maniani, Neuroradiology Department Head and Neck Hospital of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Received: 09 Jun 2020 - Accepted: 24 Jul 2020 - Published: 18 Mar 2021
Domain: Radiology,Neurology (general)
Keywords: Pseudo aneurysm, external carotid artery, cerebral CT
©Abdel Ilah Drissi Maniani et al. PAMJ Clinical Medicine (ISSN: 2707-2797). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cite this article: Abdel Ilah Drissi Maniani et al. Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the external carotid artery. PAMJ Clinical Medicine. 2021;5:68. [doi: 10.11604/pamj-cm.2021.5.68.24184]
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Post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the external carotid artery
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Our case is about a 24-year-old male who consults in an emergency for a left cervical swelling with a history of a penetrating cervical trauma occurred 15 days before. Computed tomography (CT) was performed who shows a hypo dense left cervical collection well limited surmounted by a spontaneously hyper dense hematoma (A, B), with intense enhancement on post contrast at arterial time with individualization of communication with a branch of the external carotid artery (C,D) characteristic of the pseudo aneurysm (PA). The PA or false aneurysm is defined by a rupture of the continuity of the arterial wall with creation of an aneurysmal sac thanks to a pseudo-wall formed by the adjacent structures while maintaining continuity with the nourishing artery, PA carotid arteries are often post-traumatic sometimes other cause are involved (vasculitis, local infection, iatrogenic). The interval between trauma and symptoms is very variable, it results in a pulsating and pulsating cervical swelling on palpation with an audible noise on auscultation, ultrasound shows a cystic mass with a turbulence in the blood flow making the yin-yong sign on doppler examination and to-and-fro waveforms on the pulsed Doppler examination. Computed Tomography generally targets a hypo-dense collection with an intense vascular type enhancement in arterial time and a smooth wall which communicates with a nourishing artery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows more characterization (morphology, size of collar, study of collaterality). Conventional angiography is an invasive examination which generally presents a therapeutic interest (stenting, embolization) while the surgical indication is reserved for specific cases.
Figure 1: cerebral CT in axial (A), coronal (B), non contrast section and axial (C), coronal (D), post-contrast section showing a hypo dense left cervical collection well limited (red arrows) surmounted by a spontaneously hyper dense hematoma (blue arrows) with intense enhancement on post contrast at arterial time (green arrows) with individualization of communication with a branch of the external carotid artery (orange arrows)
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