Home | Volume 5 | Article number 87

Letter to the editors

The association of frequency of urination with COVID-19 (new symptom of COVID-19)

The association of frequency of urination with COVID-19 (new symptom of COVID-19)

Hashim Talib Hashim1,&, Mohammad Yasir Essar2, Shoaib Ahmad3


1University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq, 2Medical Research Center, Kateb University, Kabul, Afghanistan, 3Punjab Medical College, Punjab, Pakistan



&Corresponding author
Hashim Talib Hashim, University of Baghdad, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq



To the Editors of the PAMJ Clinical Medicine    Down

Since the first case of COVID-19 emerged, the world has been shocking because of the contagious spread. The most characterized symptoms are related to the respiratory system, which are fever, cough, dyspnea. Recently, a new symptom was recognized and approved, which is the loss of taste and smell caused by the virus's effect on the olfactory nerves. It is believed that COVID-19 is similar to SARS-CoV-2 by binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme receptor 2 (ACE 2) via SB to enter the target cells [1]. In this letter, we want to report a new symptom of COVID-19 that was recognized in 52 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iraq by specialized doctors, which is frequent urination. All the patients were from 15 - 52 years old, and they did not have any chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or renal problems. Moreover, they were checked for hormonal changes for Antidiuretic Hormone(ADH) and aldosterone too. They developed the frequency in about the third to the fourth day of showing fever and other COVID-19 symptoms [2]. The frequency occurred more than three times in the hour despite their moderate intake of water and liquids, and it continued for more than eight days and began to decline as the other symptoms resolved [2].


They were in mild cases of the disease and on Hydroxychloroquine (400mg BID first day then 200 mg BID for five days) and Tamiflu prescription (75mg twice daily for five days). This symptom was recognized and confirmed in 52 cases, and it is said that it was discovered in more cases, but some of them were with diabetes mellitus(DM), and the one case had a renal failure and died within days of the diagnosis. In our opinion, the virus's attachment to the angiotensin receptors will prevent the aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone from controlling the urination, so the patient will develop frequent urination, and other symptoms can be an indication for the progress of the disease in each patient [3]. We are writing to the editor to make sure this information is more widely circulated among the journal's readers. Moreover, it is suggested that people who have an underlying urinary frequency in addition to (or not) fever, cough, and other respiratory symptoms are admitted for testing and realize that they may be affected by the current pandemic [4]. This disease is not entirely known in the medical community, and each symptom and sign should be taken into consideration and studied significantly.



Conclusion    Down

It is a report a new symptom of COVID-19 that was recognized in some cases of COVID-19 in Iraq by the specialized doctors, which is the frequent urination. All the patients were from 15 - 52 years old and they did not have chronic diseases such diabetes mellitus, hypertension or renal problems, they were checked for hormonal changes for ADH and Aldosterone too.



Competing interests Up    Down

The authors declare no competing interests.



Authors´ contributions Up    Down

The work has one author who did everything by himself. All the authors have read and agreed to the final manuscript.



References Up    Down

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