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PAMJ - Clinical Medicine FAQs

1. What is PAMJ - Clinical Medicine?

PAMJ - Clinical Medicine (PAMJ-CM) is a new online open access journal by the Pan African Medical Journal created to highlight the rich output of clinical practice across Africa.

2. What do we publish?

PAMJ-CM publishes clinical case reports, case series, images, reviews, commentary, opinions and research articles from the broad spectrum of clinical medicine and clinical research.

3. In what language do we publish articles in PAMJ-CM?

PAMJ-CM accepts for consideration articles in English and in French only.

4. What articles categories are published in PAMJ-CM ?

PAMJ-CM accept for consideration manuscripts from all over the world focusing on clinical medicine, clinical practice and clinical research. We will consider manuscripts in the following categories: Clinical Research, Case report, Case series, Images in clinical Medicine, Videos in clinical Medicine, Opinion, Correspondence, Editorial, Essay, Reviews, Short communication, Letter to the editors, Sponsored supplements

5. Is the contents of PAMJ-CM peer reviewed?

Yes, articles published in PAMJ-CM are externally peer reviewed. PAMJ-CM uses online peer review to speed up the publication process. Submitted manuscripts will be sent to peer reviewers, unless they are either out of scope or below threshold for the journal, or the presentation or written English/French is of an unacceptably low standard

6. Is the contents of PAMJ - CP freely accessible?

Articles published in PAMJ-CM are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

7. Does the journal charge article processing fees?

To maintain its Open Access business model, the PAMJ - Clinical Medicine will charge an Article Processing Fee (APF) of $180 US per manuscripts accepted for publication in the journal; however, APF will be waived for manuscripts submitted for publication by 30 March 2020. AFP are requested only if the manuscript is accepted for publication

8. Is the PAMj-CM indexed in Pubmed or MedLine?

Not yet, the PAMJ-CM is a new journal; the indexation process in PubMed and Medline takes time. The journal will work to ensure the largest indexation for the journal.

9. In what format are articles published in PAMJ-CM

Two formats will be delivered for all abstracts: html and PDF

10. I have a manuscript i submitted to the PAMJ, can I request it to be transfered to the PAMJ-CM?

Yes, if you have a manuscript under consideration and not already accepted for publication in the PAMJ, you can request the editorial office to transfer your submission to the PAMJ-CM. To do that, just send an email to or contact the editor in charge of your submission if you have her email.

11. How do you contact the PAMJ-CM

Check the journal contact page.

Volume 17 (Jan - Apr 2025)
This cover image JPEG | PDF
Articles published in PAMJ-CM are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
eISSN: 2707-2797

The PAMJ Clinical Medicine (ISSN: 2707-2797) is a subsidiary of the Pan African Medical Journal. The contents of this journal is intended exclusively for professionals in the medical, paramedical and public health and other health sectors.

Physical address: Kenya: 3rd Floor, Park Suite Building, Parkland Road, Nairobi. PoBox 38583-00100, tel: +254 (0)20-520-4356 | Cameroon: Immeuble TechnoPark Essos, Yaounde, PoBox: 10020 Yaounde, tel: +237 (0)24-309-5880