Hyperpion: a diagnosis to keep in mind

Aymane Ridallah, Alae El bouaychi

PAMJ-CM. 2020; 3:44. Published 08 Jun 2020 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2020.3.44.24035

We report the case of a 55 old patient, with a high myopic right eye, who presented 6 months ago, a retinal detachment, having benefited from endo-ocular surgery with silicone oil tampon. The patient has been showing a whitish appearance in the eye since 3 months, gradually increasing in size, which motivated him to consult in our eye clinic. The ocular tonus is at 22 mmhg. Ophthalmological examination evidenced the presence of a “frothy white formation” at the top anterior chamber. The hyperpion or commonly called “inverse hypopion”, is due to an emulsification of silicone oil, when it passes into the anterior chamber and comes into contact with aqueous humor, which acquires a whitish appearance, and migrates to the top of the anterior chamber. In this situation, we removed the silicone oil with active drainage and air-fluid, associated with a washing of the anterior chamber.
Corresponding author
Aymane Ridallah, University Mohammed V Souissi, Ophtalmologie A, l´Hôpital des Spécialités, CHU Rabat, Maroc (aridallah@gmail.com)

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