Herpes simplex eyelid infection

Narjisse Taouri, Ouafae Cherkaoui

PAMJ-CM. 2020; 3:87. Published 06 Jul 2020 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2020.3.87.24414

We report a case of a 16-year-old-child, with no pathological history, who presented to the ophthalmic emergencies for the appearance of skin lesions on his right lower eyelid, with burning sensation, evolving in the last 3 days. With no additional ocular manifestations. Otherwise, the patient denied having a history of recurrent skin eyelid rushes, eye redness, or eye pain.
Corresponding author
Narjisse Taouri, Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco (Ophtalmo-taouri@outlook.fr)

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