Chondromyxoid fibroma: unusual location

Ayoub Bouya, Mansour Tanane

PAMJ-CM. 2020; 3:148. Published 30 Jul 2020 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2020.3.148.24094

Chondromyxoid fibroma is a rare bone tumor with cartilaginous differentiation which presents less than 1% of bone tumors. It is a benign lesion and occurs in the fibula in less than 10% of the cases. A 25-year-old with no medical history, right-hander, and long-distance running athlete who consulted in our orthopedic department for right ankle pain. This symptom dates back to 6 weeks and considerably hampered his professional sports activities. This mechanical ankle pain is next to the external malleolus without irradiation and subsides with usual analgesics. The clinical examination was poor. There was no swelling. Bony landmarks were painless. Motion range was normal. The neurovascular exam did not find any abnormalities. X-rays showed a rounded and well-defined lytic bone lesion located in the external malleolus and classified Lodwick Ia (A,B). Due to the benign aspect, we decided to perform an excisional biopsy with a cancellous autograft. The gesture was performed by a lateral approach under loco-regional anesthesia. The graft was taken from the proximal tibial epiphysis through a small internal incision. The patient resumed his training after 2 months, and returned to his professional sports level after 3 months. At the last follow-up of 6 months, the patient had not reported any symptoms and the radiological control was satisfying (C,D).
Corresponding author
Ayoub Bouya, Orthopedic Trauma Service I, Military Training Hospital Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco (

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