A verrucous squamous cell papilloma

Kamelia Rifai, Lalla Ouafa Cherkaoui

PAMJ-CM. 2022; 8:17. Published 24 Jan 2022 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2022.8.17.33370

We report a case of a thirty-year-old female presented to the ophthalmology clinic with a painless mass in his left upper eyelid, which gradually increased in size during a period of six months. The small mass started at the lateral 1/3 of the left upper eyelid. The patient denied any itchiness, redness, or discharge from the lesion (A). There was no history of a similar presentation before. She was able to open his eye and the eyelid mass did not obstruct his vision. She denied any history of trauma, insect bite, or blurring of vision. In view of the progressive growth of the mass, she was brought to the hospital to seek immediate treatment. The ophtalmic examination was normal. There was a left upper eyelid mass at the lateral 1/3, with a 1 x 1 cm dimension, non-erythematous, nodular, and mobile from the underlying structure. The mass was non-tender and firm. The eyes were symmetrical, with no proptosis and orthophoric in primary position. The conjunctiva, the cornea, and the iris were normal. Intraocular pressure was within the normal range. The fundus revealed normal findings. The patient underwent excisional biopsy of the swelling in the upper eyelid under local anaesthesia. The histopathology examination revealed a squamous cell papilloma. During three months follow-up, the wart did not recur after the surgery and the surgical site healed with a faint scar. This case demonstrates that even very large viral papilloma can be treated successfully.
Corresponding author
Kamelia Rifai, Department A of Ophthalmology, Mohammed V University Souissi, Rabat, Morocco (rifai.camelia@gmail.com)

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