Peroneum bone but not a cuboid fracture

Ibrahima Niang, Coumba Laobé Ndao

PAMJ-CM. 2020; 3:158. Published 04 Aug 2020 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2020.3.158.24923

We here report a 76-year-old patient who suffered a trauma to the right foot following an accident in the highway where a motorcycle allegedly rolled over his foot. He consults in the emergency room where an x-ray of the right foot was requested. The emergency physician saw a “bone fragment” next to the cuboid, found to have a displaced fracture of the cuboid bone.
Corresponding author
Ibrahima Niang, Service d'Imagerie Médicale, Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann, Dakar, Senegal (

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