Haematocornea: a turning point in neglected trauma!

Rim El Hachimi, Rida El Hadiri

PAMJ-CM. 2021; 7:27. Published 15 Dec 2021 | doi:10.11604/pamj-cm.2021.7.27.32233

 Corneal blood staining can occur as a complication of traumatic hyphema. Known risk factors is total hyphema, rebleeding, high intraocular pressure (IOP), and endothelial dysfunction. We report a case of recurrent ocular trauma of which the second was neglected. Hence the importance of closely monitoring any hyphema regardless of its importance and make patients with hyphema aware of the need for rest and eye protection. The patient was victim of a first contusive trauma causing grade 1 hyphema with eye pressure of 12 mmhg and visual acuity of 10/10. No lesions were present in the posterior segment. Treatment with rest and topical corticosteroids was given. The patient was victim of a second trauma causing pain and a profound decline in visual acuity. The second trauma was neglected and the patient continued the treatment initially delivered without consulting. Biomicroscopic examination 10 days after trauma found hematocornea (3/4 of cornea), IOP at 35 mmhg and total hyphema. An ultrasound was performed and found a cataract. Urgent surgical lavage using a simcoe cannula was performed. Hyphema disappeared but the haematocornea persisted.
Corresponding author
Rim El Hachimi, Mohamed V University of Rabat, Specialty Hospital of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco (rimelhachimi@gmail.com)

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